Rescue is Coming...: How can I stand here with you, and not be moved by you?        

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How can I stand here with you, and not be moved by you?

so i was greatly encouraged this Thursday as i attend the Gateway Student's Thursday night bible study. So going in, i figured, this will be fun, we'd hang out most of the time, and maybe get a little time in for actual bible study. I was wrong. Zac Baker lead us in the most amazing bible study I've ever been to. If you haven't heard this guy preach, haha, your missing out. He's so awesome. He speaks exactly what God wants him too, and doesn't try to rely on his own strenghts, this for me, is what makes a great leader and preacher. So as we got into this bible study, i found out we were going to go through the book of Colossians. and if your like me, (which i hope you aren't!) i totally forgot there was a book in the bible called Colossians. I know. I know. but I did. Its one of those books, that isn't the main books like Matthew, mark, Luke, or john. anyway, its a really good book.
Here are some notes i took from it:

Faith, Hope and Love are the basics of the Christian Life.

A quote by a person who's name i didn't write down (oops!) said "The christian life isn't difficult, its' imposable without God's help."

A question you can ask yourself is, "What does it take to remember that knowing God isn't a "one time" event?"

Another question to ask is:
What does an authentic christian look like?
Some answers we got as a group were:
  • Humble
  • perceives Christ
  • honest
  • knows what it's like to be real with people
  • full of grace
  • knows how to receive and give grace
  • has a teachable heart
another quote is "The standard's high, Thank God for grace.

Last but not least was a picture Zac painted in each of our minds about what it was like for Christ
this story takes place in a court house with a girl being fined for speeding. The judge gives her the option to go to jail or pay the price. she chooses the price. The judge steps off his stand, takes of his robe of power as the judge, and hands the girl the fine. The girl happens to be his daughter. The girl goes on to pay the fine, and the father steps back up and puts his robe of power back on after a few minutes.
This is just like what our father did for us.
we all owed the fine, we all had to pay the price. if we didn't, we would go to jail (hell) But the judge is our father, he stepped down off his throne, and takes off his robe of power. He pays the price for us his sons/daughters. so that when the court looks at us, they see we paid the price, even though we were given it by our father. God/Jesus.

This really helped paint a picture in my mind.

I just want to say Thanks Zac for making this click!

If anyone needs anything cleared up, just ask :)

With Love,

Listening to: Rescue by Desperation-Please listen if you haven't. such a good song!

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