Rescue is Coming...: 2013>2012        

Monday, December 31, 2012


To say that 2012 was a good year is a huge understatement! God has stretched me, grown me, and challenged me in so many ways, I don't know where to begin. I graduated high school, I went to brazil, I led groups at 2 different camps, i started college, and I have been part of a church plant. What a year it has been!

While all of this was huge, our church plant, DECIDEDchurch has been one if the biggest adventures yet! I started attending a bible study in January called DECIDED. I started out quiet, not sure what to think while being the youngest one there. I soon begin to realize God had placed me there for a reason. After a few months of seeing this group turn into a house church and move from an apartment, to a conference room, to a real church, I knew it was time for me to be involved. When it came time to volunteer, I knew I wanted the position as volunteer coordinator. I knew I could do it, but I hesitated because I was only 18. Who would give such a huge position to someone who was the youngest? But God reminded me not to let anyone look down on because I was young, but to set an example. So I applied, and was chosen. Over the next few months, I grew so much in my relationship with God, and honestly became more Intune with what he was calling me to do. I developed deep friendships I have never had before. I have a group of leaders who accept me as I am, and don't judge. I feel a peace about where I am. I know God has called me here. I am excited to see where God takes us in 2013. To see in a year how we went from a bible study to a church, going from 15 people to 50, there is no way you can say that God isn't in this. God was faithful then, and faithful he will continue to be. I am blessed to have been in the midst of Gods work this year. I pray I will continue to be in the years to come. I thank God for the people he has put in my life this year, the situations he has allowed me be in, and the freedom to worship him freely all the time. Lord, Prepare me for the unimaginable things you have planned for this coming year. The best is yet to come.

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